I have been wondering what to post the past few days and I couldn't come up with anything wonderful, so I thought I would just tell you about a few things that have been going on this past week. I guess you could say that it has been an eventful week. Last Tuesday evening I had to go the the emergency room for some irregular heart beats. Actually I could see my heart beating in my chest. It felt like my heart was having fireworks in there. Having had this before (previous heart surgery in 2000) I knew it was not going to subside, so we decided to go to the E.R (around 10:00 pm). Well, when you have heart problems they take you in right away. They did an EKG and my heart rate was 140 and for me it normally runs in the 70's. The E.R. did the normal things like IV and meds to try to get it to slow down. I had to be admitted. I got to the room about 3:00 a.m. I had been up since Tuesday morning at 4:00 am to go to work and worked a 10 hour day that day. Anyway, at 4:00 a.m. Wednesday I finally got about 2 hours of sleep until the nurse came in and had to get the vitals, etc....you know the drill. Anyhoo, with the medicine I was able to cardiovert (get back in normal rhythm) on my own around 2 or 3 pm on Wednesday. Thank goodness as I surely did not want to have to be paddled to get me back in rhythm. They discharged me on Thursday evening around 4:00 pm. I was anxious to go home that's for sure. They have changed my heart medicine (which has not been changed since 2003) and hopefully this will keep the rhythm at a normal pace. We will see. So far, so good.
Well, yesterday I was planning on making a great meatloaf and DH decided he would rather have stuffed cabbage (Golumpki's (sp) as we call it) so that was dinner last night. It tasted so good. It is kind of an ordeal to make all that but it was so worth it. And guess what's for dinner tonight. Our daughter is coming over with our granddaughter (Chelsea) to do our hair and I kinda enticed her too by telling her I had made some stuffed cabbage. She said she can't wait. Chelsea is going to spend the night tonight and I think we will go tomorrow afternoon and get a pedicure. She loved having one the last time I took her. It should be a fun afternoon.
I am counting the days (10 days now) until we leave for Massachusetts. My cousin Sue is getting married on the 24th and we will be attending that. My brother Kevin and his family will be coming from Georgia to attend the wedding also. There will be a lot of family to see and reminisce with. Our gratious cousin, Cathy (Sue's sister) has kindly allowed us to stay with her and she will be continuing the party and having a cook out on Saturday. It should be a lot of fun. Also we will be visiting our daughter Louann and family while we are there. It will be good to see them. Then, Cathy and I will be on the road again and junking, primming, and antiquing. I am on a mission.....you see I have decided to take a small booth in Pilot Mountain Peddlers, to move around some "stuff" in my home and weed out some things. I need to have a place to sell them, and it also gives me a reason to go shopping. I have given myself a limit so that I won't go nuts on spending for new "stuff" for the booth. We will see what happens. This also gives me a place to express my creative side when I feel like making something for the booth. I guess once it is in your blood, it always stays there. Anyway, I am counting down the days. Can't wait.
Well I guess that is about it for now. I have been reading all the blogs I have been following and it is so nice to see a peak into everyone's lives. Thank you all for stopping by and I hope you have a great upcoming week. Soon.....Sherie
Oh stuffed cabbage sounds so delicious! I hope you have a great trip and your heart behaves.
Wow, what a wild few days you had. Glad you're feeling better tho! Can't wait to see your booth at Pilot Mountain! You'll let us know when it's open?
Have you considered preparing a tutorial for your blog? They help those of us with a limited income to continue crafting gifts and home dec items. Thanks.